Alarm system in a power cut - what still works?

Will my alarm system still work when there's a power cut?

Power cuts don’t always end in a dreaded blackout, but their impact can bring our daily lives to a screeching halt from one second to the next.

We suddenly find ourselves sitting in the dark, unable to fill up our car, use the lift, or even weigh vegetables at the supermarket. All chaos breaks loose in the streets, no films are showing at the cinemas and no hot soup is being served in restaurants – not that it could be paid for.... unless you have cash.

At home there is no hot water, you can’t switch any lights on or charge your smartphone, and the food in the fridge is going off. Production at your company is at a standstill.

Power cuts happen every day, brief or long, major or minor interruptions. They are caused by construction work on lines, overloaded grids, technical failures or storms. If only your home is affected by the outage, it is often caused by a faulty electrical appliance.Edit med

Power Outages




We rely on electricity in almost every aspect of our life. Traffic lights on the road, air conditioning, ovens, laptops... Thanks to electricity we can stay safe and carry out our everyday tasks. Fortunately, most of the interruptions to our power supply are quickly rectified as a rule.

Is your home and business still secured against a break-in during a power cut?

Are you worried about whether your alarm system will still work when so many of your other daily activities are rendered impossible?

Are you unsure as to whether your alarm system has mains power failure detectors, if your system will only be able to protect you for just a few minutes in case of an outage or not at all? Will your motion detectors still work despite the power cut, is there an emergency power supply or backup battery unit?

The thought that burglars have an even easier job of it when everything is dark and the power supply is down, is not to be dismissed so lightly.

That’s why, especially in these exceptional situations, you need protection you can rely on for your family, home and business.

Your belongings are always protected with Securitas Direct.

Uninterrupted. Thanks to an emergency power supply, batteries and generators.

Just because there’s a power cut doesn’t mean it’s now easier for burglars to break into your home or business – we always make life difficult for burglars.

The smart alarm system from Securitas Direct also has a Plan B, of course.

Our systems do not rely exclusively on electricity to run. They automatically switch to battery mode to guarantee uninterrupted monitoring even in the event of a prolonged power cut. Our independent system immediately identifies an interruption to the power supply. It switches to backup battery mode; the motion detectors are wirelessly powered by a wireless power transfer system. The system has several channels, which guarantee the transfer of data without interruption.

If the alarm is triggered, our servers relay this message in real time to various sites throughout Switzerland. On top of all this, Securitas Direct uses generators to ensure alarm messages are received at all times no matter the circumstances. The infrastructure satisfies the highest demands, it is specially secured and has an independent power supply should the need arise.

You can relax in the candlelight, Securitas Direct safeguards your security with or without electricity.

When faulty electrical appliances cause a power cut.

Your smart alarm system will, of course, also detect if there is a power cut in your neighbourhood and informs the central monitoring station immediately. The system switches instantly to battery mode, so that your home or business continues to be protected against a break-in.

In such cases we do, of course, contact you straight away. Naturally, if you’re at home you can sort out the cause of the outage.

But what if you’re away on a business trip or holiday? Nobody wants to come home to a freezing cold house or find a freezer that has been on the blink for two weeks. That is why we talk with you to make sure we do what is necessary, so that when you come home, it’s just the way you left it.

Battery replacement at each maintenance of your smart alarm system

It is reassuring for you to know that our service technicians replace the batteries every time they service your smart alarm system. This ensures it works flawlessly at all times.


Prevention and customer aftercare in the event of a power cut

Unfortunately, we cannot stop power cuts from happening. But we can give you a few tips on how to best master the challenge of being without electricity:


  • Regularly back up the data on your computer
  • Keep a torch with fully charged batteries ready at hand
  • Keep a battery-operated radio at hand, as radio stations will broadcast information about large-scale power cuts.
  • Switch electrical appliances completely off
  • Check your electrical appliances after a power cut (computer, washing machine, oven) and after a long outage (longer than 12 hours) check your food in the fridge and freezer.
  • Securitas Direct provides an all-round sense of assurance, even when there isn’t any electricity.
  • The alarm system reliably protects you around the clock, at all times, with or without electricity.

Give yourself the best possible protection. Experts will advise you without obligation and competently.

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